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来源:立镖 | 作者:立镖 | 发布时间: 914天前 | 2596 次浏览 | 分享到:
希腊邮政首席执行官George Constantopoulos对路透社表示:“直到项目落地之前,我们的分拣工作都是由手工完成的,对人工要求很高,而且往往会出现错误,导致包裹发货延迟,增加了公司的成本。”


Greece has introduced a fleet of postal robots to speed up its service


The robots can handle as many as 168,000 parcels weighing up to 15kg a day.




55 small, four-wheeled autonomous mobile robots have been introduced to sort through mail in Greece's postal service.

They scan the postal code, weigh the package and, directed by sensors, empty it into the corresponding mail sacks.

The robots can handle as many as 168,000 parcels weighing up to 15kg a day and only need to be recharged every four hours for 5 minutes.


There's a new addition to Greece's postal service: a fleet of yellow robots sorting through the mail.


Fifty-five small, four-wheeled autonomous mobile robots -- or AMR's -- powered by artificial intelligence, glide around Hellenic Post's sorting centre in Athens, speeding up an often arduous process.


They scan the postal code, weigh the package and, directed by sensors, empty it into the corresponding mail sacks set up around a platform.


The robots are part of the state-owned company's digital restructuring programme, which aims to tackle growing numbers of parcels from online shopping during the coronavirus pandemic.


The robots can handle as many as 168,000 parcels weighing up to 15kg a day.

希腊邮政首席执行官George Constantopoulos对路透社表示:“直到项目落地之前,我们的分拣工作都是由手工完成的,对人工要求很高,而且往往会出现错误,导致包裹发货延迟,增加了公司的成本。”

"Until recently, sorting has been carried out by manual labour with a high demand in time, often with errors occurring, causing delivery delays for our customers and increased costs for the company," Hellenic Post Chief Executive George Constantopoulos told Reuters.





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