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谁说跨国工作难?立镖机器人外籍员工 “真香” 了!
来源:立镖机器人 | 作者:立镖机器人 | 发布时间: 13天前 | 848 次浏览 | 分享到:
家人们,在大家印象里,跨国工作是不是困难重重?语言不通、文化差异,想想就让人头疼。但在立镖机器人,外籍员工却纷纷开启了 “真香” 模式!这到底是怎么回事呢?今天就带大家一探究竟!

家人们,在大家印象里,跨国工作是不是困难重重?语言不通、文化差异,想想就让人头疼。但在立镖机器人,外籍员工却纷纷开启了 “真香” 模式!这到底是怎么回事呢?今天就带大家一探究竟!

Dear friends, in your impression, is working abroad full of difficulties? Language barriers and cultural differences can seem overwhelming. However, at Libiao Robotics, foreign employees have been singing a different tune! What's the story behind this? Let's find out today!

▍打破语言与文化 “壁垒” Breaking Down Language and Cultural "Barriers"

刚到立镖机器人时,语言和文化差异确实是摆在外籍员工面前的 “两座大山”。但公司的一系列暖心操作,让这些问题迎刃而解。公司不仅配备了专业翻译,让沟通毫无障碍,还会举办各种文化交流活动,帮助大家了解中国文化。


When foreign employees first joined Libiao Robotics, language and cultural differences were indeed "two big mountains" in front of them. But a series of heartwarming actions by the company resolved these issues easily. The company not only provided professional translators to ensure smooth communication but also organized various cultural exchange activities to help everyone understand Chinese culture.

Here, everyone can enjoy Chinese cuisine while sharing interesting stories about their home countries. Foreign employees say that the feeling of being respected and understood is truly wonderful! The company also offers a wealth of training courses and learning opportunities, enabling them to quickly adapt to the new environment and enhance their capabilities. At Libiao Robotics, language and cultural differences are no longer obstacles but rather bridges for mutual learning and growth.

▍解锁专业成长 “秘籍” Unlocking the "Secret Code" for Professional Growth

立镖机器人的培训计划堪称 “职场成长秘籍”。从专业的技术知识讲解,到实地参观公司先进的设施,再到深入学习商业策略,每一个环节都精心设计。无论是想提升技术水平,还是增强售前能力;不管是对自动化解决方案感兴趣,还是渴望掌握技术设计技能,在这里都能找到适合自己的发展路径。


Libiao Robotics' training program is like a "secret code" for career growth. It includes professional technical knowledge explanations, on - site visits to the company's advanced facilities, and in - depth learning of business strategies, with every link meticulously designed. Whether you want to improve your technical skills, enhance your pre - sales capabilities, are interested in automation solutions, or aspire to master technical design skills, you can find a suitable development path here.




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